Posts by abilai

Learning is remembering

By On 17/09/2021

Learn by remembering,

the exploration of the subtle planes, makes us regularly discover that the knowledge or experiences that we are looking for were already in progress, denied or confined in order to be able to manage daily life and integrate socially.

Then the meeting of a person, apparently unknown 'til then, spouts out a wave of sensory and emotional "flashes", powerful and diffused in all the body, relating to a childish past or much more distant, which brings us an incredible quantity of answers.

It is during these moments of letting go and of (fortuitous?) encounters that we notice that the knowledge and experience we are looking for are already in us, all the knowledge is in us; learning is remembering.

And these encounters, by their affective and emotional character, show us that we have to go through the heart to find it.


Going through the heart is first to focus on it, pay attention to it, then let it happen ...


Enjoy and kisses to all.


#Coronavirus : reprendre en main notre futur

By On 28/07/2021

Chers tous,

Tout d'abord, j'espère que vous allez tous bien ainsi que vos proches.

Je ne vous écris pas souvent, n'aimant pas moi-même être spammé...., mais ces temps de repliement et d'incertitude méritent plus d'échanges et de mise en lumière que d'habitude.
Début 2020, je vous ai adressé mes vœux en indiquant que cette année nous devions faire une pause et être attentifs à identifier ce qui se cache derrière les masques, les évènements récents ont dépassé de loin ce que j'avais anticipé.
Ce mail a été écrit en collaboration avec Elena KORODOVA, ex. Directrice du Musée KIRLIAN à Krasnodar en Russie (photo). Depuis 1 an, elle a décidé d'aller au-delà de ses précédentes explorations de niveaux de consciences, et nous travaillons ensemble en ce moment, notamment du fait de l'actualité mondiale. 
Encore davantage que durant les crises précédentes il est important de savoir ce qui se passe et de ne pas rester passif, alors je vous propose de vous apporter notre vision.

Elena korodova


Enjoy ! 

COVID: don't let yourself be caught by the darkness

By On 28/07/2021

COVID: don't let yourself be caught by the darkness

There is as much shadow and darkness on the side of those who campaign not to have a vaccine as of those who want to impose it.

Verbal violence, warlike speeches, slavery reflexes, ... It vibrates very low on both sides ...

All are stuck in the mental matrix created long ago (on our scale) to enslave us by polarizing us and throwing us against each other, to look away. We are blinded by it. Bumping into us, bouncing against its walls.


It is possible to transmute this period of transformation by positively mutating DNA through consciousness. It has already started to mutate, and we can't help it, because of the cosmic cycles of which we are a part.

The Spirit can do anything: and in particular transmute, orient in consciousness, the epigenetic pressure of this viral event into something positive for our evolution.

If we don't let ourselves be caught in the shadows ....

Kisses to all.